WCLRF defines the partnership as a mutually beneficial and interactive relationship between two or more organizations, which is undertaken for a specific programmatic purpose and which works towards a shared goal of positive and sustainable program impact. Thus, WCLRF developed the partnership guideline to build a strong coordination, network and advocacy mechanism that address women and children’s issues in different levels, through the expanding partnership at the local and country levels and to create strengthening national, provincial and local levels, programs for addressing the violence against women and children. The benefit of partnership including:

• Partnership enables us to utilize the considerable experience, knowledge and contacts of local organizations already on the ground. 
• Partnership allows us to deliver sustainable services via existing organizations and service providers (our partners) and to thereby strengthen the overall system, rather than setting up parallel services that would cease to be viable once our funding expired. 
• Partnership allows us to combine our resources and expertise with our partners’, meaning that we can work more effectively – and achieve more – than we would if working individually.  
• Partnership facilitates capacity building and sustainability; by supporting partner organizations to develop their skills and capacities through our projects, we can enable them to become stronger, more independent entities, which are able to work independently after WCLRF funding ceases. Type of partnerships: 
1- Down to up 
2- Up to down 
3- Horizontally.

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